death isn’t here yet, death is in the next room over, like a familiar houseguest
comforted my friend when she was struggling and she went home and wrote a song about it
it's so good that it sounds like a song that's been around forever, like an ancient hymn or devotion
searing my synapses
the 'which way' meme but on one side is a singer 911 and the other is a rauh-welt 911
how would these books make me feel
what about a life without youtube
dreams need new themes; these are getting old
just graduated this round of therapy, feeling happy and proud and grateful for my therapist
distracting myself from the icu by making a small change to ffmpeg, feeling like a real hacker
whoaaaa nelly post tattoo comedown is intense
affirmations: my nemesis will definitely not be at dweller festival dubstep night
consciousness is inherently so psychedelic
i’m at the railway cathedral
i’m at the monument to capitalism
i’m at the combination railway cathedral and monument to capitalism
how long will i be sick? only time will tell. cough, cough
the number of oscilloscopes in my life is at an all-time high
new york in the winter is really lovely and you can’t change my mind
thoughts on being in love: the abundance of joy beggars belief
overhead at work: "gotta become a webpack expert to know how to delete webpack"
it's surprising how much more efficient it is carbon-wise to drive to toronto than fly there. 8 grams / mile carbon emitted on the motorcycle for 490 miles (~4kg) vs ~100kg for a direct flight
when there's a certain kind of goodness in my life
my room is clean
this kind of goodness, though
is new to me
my plans are in shambles
seeing ESR cited in the wikipedia page on gift economies 🤢
things adderall is probably useful for: finally putting cue points in all the tracks in your dj set
i clean my room because "a staff engineer actively reduces chaos"
not having to work again but not being able to buy nice things for friends is the wrong balance. financial independence budget now includes buying drinks for friends :)
hosted on theme by evy. check out the thoughts webring!